Monday Morning Meditation: Introduction

I want to introduce you all to a new series I’ll be doing on my blog called Monday Morning Meditation.

The idea behind this new series is to share a short thought or question that you can ponder and carry with you throughout the week. It will always be based on at least one verse of Scripture.
The idea comes from the following scripture:

“May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you, O LORD, my rock and my redeemer.” Psalm 19:14 (NLT)

I love this verse. I actually an entire article about it a few years back called Shedding Weight. I’ve struggled quite seriously with what I fix my thoughts on and how I spend my emotional energy, as well as to what I devote my brain space. This verse serves as a constant reminder that what I think about matters and should be pleasing to God.
So this week, rather than go on to share something else, I want to challenge you to the read the above article and then ponder Psalm 19:14. As you go through the week, take some time to notice what you meditate on. What fills the most time in your head?
I’ll be back next week with the first full installment of Monday Morning Meditation.
Also, I realized I likely need to post this Sunday night in order for those of you who receive this via email to get it Monday morning. Sorry about that! I’ll be experimenting with what time I post it for the next few weeks, so we make sure you have it Monday morning.

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