More Simplifying in Regards to Blogging & Blog-reading

I’ve added a “Subscribe to” in the top of the right column of my blog (there has always been one at the bottom of the page). Then I went to every blog that I read & added it to my Google Reader. This will further streamline my internet time. Last night, I cleaned out my other 2 e-mails accounts (one had over 800 e-mails in the inbox!), and I’m down to 14 e-mails in one inbox & only 8 in the other.

I feel lighter already!

4 thoughts on “More Simplifying in Regards to Blogging & Blog-reading

  1. Good for you! I’m so bad about cleaning out my in-boxes. I have 886 in one and over 2500 in the other; it’s pathetic considering that most of it is from listserves and I can’t find the time to read them anyway!

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