Hey, friends!
First, here’s a family photo for you all 🙂

Yes, my 1st child is now much taller than me at age 12!
Second, I’ve been recording videos about once a week entitled “Coffee with Brenna” where I share a 5-15 minute word of encouragement. Please go to my YouTube channel and subscribe. There’s even a song I sang with the choir last weekend!
Third, I realized since I let go of an old domain, many of my songs are not posted anywhere. I put my 2001 “album” (recording on a minidisc player in the front row of a concert I gave – how’s that for dating myself?) Alive & Radical up there. You can see that here:
I am working on several writing projects that have me busy, but I miss writing here for you all! Have a listen to some videos, including my most recent video “God With Us!”